(001) 24568 365 987
9.00 am - 11.00 pm

The Gezawa Commodity Market is currently open to strategic investors, businessmen, aggregators, commodity dealers, brokers, industrial end-users and other market players to invest in key infrastructure for the purpose of participating in the Gezawa Commodity Exchange.

Investment Models

B-O-O-M - Build Own Operate Model

The infrastructure within this category entails the investor pays for the plot, builds, owns and operates the facility within the Market. (Gezawa Commodity Exchange)

B-O-T - Build Operate Transfer Model

The investor Builds the infrastructure, operates for agreed number of years and then transfers ownership to the Market. The market provides land free- of- all...

SPM - Strategic Partnership Model

Strategic partnerships come in the form of Joint Venture (JV) arrangements where each party is represented from start to finish and profits are shared on a pro-rata basis (in percentages of investments agreeable to both parties)

Financial Services

The investor buys already completed structure and operates within the Market